Friday, July 27, 2012

Anything for our Kids.

I had said and have heard others say "I would do anything for my children."  And I have been thinking about this a lot lately.  Would I really do anything for my children?  Would I step in front of a bullet?...I hope so.  Would I wrestle a bear?...probably.  Would I punch another little kid in the face for bullying one of my precious bundles...without a doubt.

Is that everything?  No. Of course it isn't.  Would I really do ANYTHING for my children?  How about change who I am...

I don't really have to change anything at this point in my life.  I have a super duper husband whom I love.  I have great kids and a job that I enjoy.  I am almost 40 and my character development is ready to grab the t.v. remote, sit back with a bag of Doritos and take a sweet afternoon nap. 

Uh, whoops.  Hang on a second and lets put down the Doritos.  Am I willing, really truly willing, to step out of my comfort zone and do something great for my children? 

For example:

Am I willing to get up at 5am and go with them to the gym?  Am I willing to exercise along side of them, knowing that healthy habits mirrored by their parents are more likely to stick?  Am I willing to put down the crap food and pick up the broccoli, knowing that actions speak more loudly than words?  Would I do anything for my children?

Am I willing to put down my evening book or shut off the movie I am watching and encourage my family to come together for prayers and time for God.  I am ashamed but will admit that my boys nighttime prayers last night were said inbetween episodes of Avatar.  I actually said, "Lets say your prayers real quick before your show starts again."  Have mercy on my soul.

The answer is no, but I hope it turns to a yes.  I want to be a mother who would do anything for her children.

1 comment:

  1. You're a great mommy. We have to support each other. Improvements can always be worked towards.
