Friday, March 16, 2012

Desperate Female seeks Honest, Focused Charity

Since the dirty laundry has already been aired by the great Mother T., I don't feel too bad about laying this out there.  Too many charities begin with the intentions of serving the poor and end catering to the upper middle class.  It's not always a bad thing to support the arts or a university or a football stadium or whatever, it is just not what I am looking for. 

I admit my standards are high but I don't apologize.  For my whole life I have wanted to be on the front lines of charity. I want to hand out the food and provide the medical care.  But since my life took a different path of marriage, family and a job, I have resolved to just be supportive. 

Like all women, I fantasize over the characteristics of a perfect mate:
  1. You must be directly serving the suffering poor and destitute.
  2. Your CEO cannot be a millionaire.
  3. Having a faith-base is preferred but should not be a requirement of those you serve.
  4. Overwhelmingly  compassionate
  5. No-strings-attached, non-judgemental generosity.
  6. Personal sacrifice
  7. Appreciation of all donations, $1.00 to a bazillion dollars
  8. A-political, meaning you can have an opinion but not support a particular party or candidate.
I need to be able to live vicariously through those of you on the ground, living out my fantasy of mission work... and cake decoration. 

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