Monday, March 26, 2012

To my fellow pro-lifers: We need to make some changes.

 To my dear friends who are pro-life, it is time we had a heart to heart chat.  We are losing credibility and need to make some changes.  We need to make our message consistent.  It is time we all asked ourselves:

Am I really pro-life? Or am I simply pro-birth?

If we are pro-life than we advocate for intrinsic value that is within each life.  Beginning at conception until death.  This includes each tiny baby inside its mother's womb,  But our dedication must be consistent and so it must go beyond the uterus.

Because we are pro-life, we must believe that when a woman has a baby, we, as a society,  must commit to the basic care of that baby either by government or neighbor.

Because we are pro-life, we must love all of our neighbors.  Every color, every gender, every sinner must be treated with the respect that is due each person who is created by God.

Because we are pro-life, we must fight our government from enacting revenge on criminals through the death penalty.  It is not a woman's right to stop life in her body, and it cannot be a governments right to stop life in a prison.  These murders and rapists and terrorists can be imprisoned, can find repentance and discover the love of God. 

Because we are pro-life, we must stand up and speak out against the needless torture and waste of animals.  We must demand that these animals be provided a respectful life and a decent death.  Animals were created by the same God who created our children and they need our voices.

Because we are pro-life, we must take a higher road, away from the rhetoric and anger that comes from opposing viewpoints.  Our pro-choice colleagues are indeed pro-choice, not pro--abortion.  No one relishes the idea of abortion.  It is tragic for the mother and deadly for the life she carries.  But she must be treated with love and compassion.  We need to respect the lives of those who fight against government interference even if we do not agree with them.

Our inconsistencies are undermining our cause.  We have spent decades fighting, yelling and sometimes hurting those around us.  Maybe we can spend some time listening, praying, marching and loving.

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